88.9 WYN FM

88.9 WYN FM 88.9 FM Australia, Werribee
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88.9 WYN-FM has been permanently broadcasting to Werribee and surrounding areas since 2001. We provide the latest in various genres of music programs, live description and score updates of WRFL football games played around the Western suburbs in Melbourne, each Saturday afternoon during the football season. There are currently eight different language programs broadcast to large audiences each week. Our English language programs cover topics via phone interviews, live studio discussions, music, hobbies, sport, entertainment news and religion. Hourly international news and music from VOA is also covered at various times.

  • Frequency: 88.9 FM
  • Slogan: The sound of the West
  • First Air Date: 2001
Indirizzo : PO Box 155 Werribee VIC 3030+61 3 9919 8089
Email: wynfm@wynfm.org.au
Telefono: +61 3 9919 8089
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/88.9wynfm/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/889WynFM