This site is intended to present Islam to the all those who seek the Truth and the True purpose of one's life. The sources of true knowledge are Quran and Sunnah, and these are to be taken upon the understanding of the earliest three generations of Muslims (Salafus-Swalih or Pious Predecessors). These have been revealed in the Arabic Language. And this knowledge is carried by Pious Scholars till the Last day. Whosoever wishes to enter the Paradise without the torments of Hellfire in the hereafter, should acquire it from these correct sources, through the correct medium, from the right people! Malayalam Duroos on this site are not a substitute, rather a temporary arrangement till you learn Arabic and acquire it in the proper way. Learning Arabic is our religious duty. Darul Hadeeth As-Salafiyya, Kerala was named as such by Shaykh Rabee Al Madkhali حفظه الله May Allah Guide us in the straight path.
- Slogan: Quran and Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salaf

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