Bumma Bippera Media

Bumma Bippera Media 98.7 FM Australien, Cairns
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The name Bumma Bippera is derived from the language of the Yidinji Aboriginal tribe of the Cairns area, where the word meaning(s) are: Bumma (or Bama) = Aboriginal Persons /People Bippera = Talking Collectively therefore, our Organisation denotes: Bumma Bippera = Aboriginal People Talking

  • Frequency: 98.7 FM
  • Slogan: The first and only indigenous radio service in Cairns.
Adresse : P.O. Box 876 BungalowCairns QLD 4870+61 7 4052 1155
Email: info@bbm.org.au
Telefon: +61 7 4052 1155
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BBM987FM/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BBM987
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/940211809/bumma-bippera-media-987fm