radio16 Newcastle

radio16 Newcastle Austrália, Newcastle
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NSW Australia plays the best of music and radio drama from the Twenties, Thirties, Forties, Fifties and a sprinkling of the Sixties. We also feature films in the Radio 16 theatre. We are a proud part of the Australian Radio 16 OTR Radio Network.

  • Slogan: Playing All Time Favourites 24/7
  • First Air Date: 2009
No ar
Week 8
Mid Mornings With Sean Ison - Week 8
I Ran So Far Away
A Flock of Seagulls - I Ran So Far Away
Long Hot Summer (1983)
The Style Council - Long Hot Summer (1983)
It's All In The Game
Tommy Edwards - It's All In The Game
When The Children Cry (1989)
White Lion - When The Children Cry (1989)
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Endereço : PO Box 106, Kotara 2289 NSW(02) 40211494
Telefone: +61 2 4915 7258
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