88.5 Soufriere FM

88.5 Soufriere FM 88.5 FM Сент-Люсия
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88.5 Soufriere FM is a project jointly funded by the Soufriere Regional Development Foundation and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Six residents are currently employed with the radio station. It is hoped that the radio station will be used as a medium by which the residents can chart the direction of the development process and educate themselves. In order to allow them the opportunity to do so, the programme content includes talk shows; social, development and educational programmes. As a community radio station, 88.5 Soufriere FM is limited to providing coverage to geographic Soufriere

  • Frequency: 88.5 FM
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Email: soufrierefm@gmail.com
Телефон: 17584597888
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/88.5soufriereFM
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soufrierefm