Metal Local

Metal Local United States
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METAL LOCAL IS TAKING THE WORLD BY STORM Just a few short years ago, Metal Local and all the branches were created by a man passionate about revitalizing the communities' metal scene. He sat down and started with social media and created the main Metal Local Facebook page and all of the US State chapters. He then reached out to the communities in those states and found admins that shared the same passion and were encouraged to continue to build the pages. With 52 pages built and a couple of other social media sites built and rolling with fans, he stepped aside to let the fans build the scene in each community. Years down the road, we have fans all around the world. We work with artists from the U.S., Europe, Australia, Africa, and well everywhere on our great planet. If there is metal, we try our best to promote it. Our Facebook page is still the primary source of communication and resources. We have built an online streaming radio station that has hundreds of artists and grows regularly.

  • Slogan: Metal From your back yard and around the world.
Na antenie
Walking Corpse Syndrome - Choke
Never Let Go
Ceres - Never Let Go
Patient No. 21881
Arsenic Addiction - Patient No. 21881
Shakefist - Warriors
World of the Transparent
Hemlock - World of the Transparent
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Adres : 4065335001