Playlist Radio Art - Just Classical

Ostatnio słuchane
Jean Pierre Rampal
Domenico Cimarosa - Jean Pierre Rampal
Ensemble Zefiro
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Ensemble Zefiro
Jean Pierre Rampal
Carl Stamitz - Jean Pierre Rampal
Stany David Lasry
Claude Debussy - Stany David Lasry
Wilhelm Kempff
Franz Schubert - Wilhelm Kempff
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Adagio mesto
Johannes Brahms - Adagio mesto
Intermezzo, Uit Goyescas
Enrique Granados - Intermezzo, Uit Goyescas
7 Kaïkaï
Pierre Boulez & les Percussions de Strasbourg - 7 Kaïkaï
The Planets, suite for orchestra & female chorus
William Steinberg - The Planets, suite for orchestra & female chorus
Piano Concerto No. 24 c
Alfred Brendel - Piano Concerto No. 24 c
Symphony No.4 (f
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Symphony No.4 (f
Suite en la mineur
Georg Philipp Telemann - Suite en la mineur
Rondo (Allegro molto)
Wolfgang A. Mozart - Rondo (Allegro molto)
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Sophie Mutter
Anne - Sophie Mutter