3MP 1377 AM Australia, Melbourne
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1377 3MP Melbourne's Easy Music

  • Frequency: 1377 AM
  • Slogan: Melbourne's Easy Music
  • First Air Date: 22 July 1976
Now playing
Blues Traveler: Run Around
Blues Traveler - Blues Traveler: Run Around
Toto - Rosanna
I Don't Want to Miss a Thing
Aerosmith - I Don't Want to Miss a Thing
Hymn (EMI)
Ultravox - Hymn (EMI)
Save The Best For Last
Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last
Jono Burggraaf
Jono Burggraaf
Hi 3MP, Could you please start listing the songs that you've played on your station over the last week and what time and days when you played the songs.Other radio stations do this on raddio.net and I'm very disappointed that you don't do this.This is the first time that we've seen 3MP listed on raddio.net so well done for doing this.It would be great if you could just start listing the songs you played now over the last week.Please do this,thanks.I've been listening to 3MP on a night recently when I'm in bed and it would be really great if you could start playing ten songs in a row with no adverts inbetween songs.Also, could you please start playing my favourite song called "High" by Lighthouse Family regularly.Thanks
March 26, 2021 at 12:25 pm
Jono Burggraaf
Jono Burggraaf
grat radio station
March 13, 2021 at 10:56 am
Address : 1377 AM & DAB+ Easy Music 3MP PO Box 33180 Melbourne Victoria 3004
Email: info@3mp.com.au
Phone: +61 1300 221 377
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3MP
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/easymusic3mp/