Copt4G Taranim 24/7 ترانيم

Copt4G Taranim 24/7 ترانيم Egitto, Il Cairo
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We ar the Coptic orthodox church radio station streaming in Arabic 24/7 for your spiritual needs we have it all, liturgies, bible readings, hymns, spiritual audio books...all to the glory of our lord Jesus Christ please share the benefit if you likes it

  • Slogan: Unceasing Praise تسبيح لا ينقطع
  • First Air Date: 1959
In onda
Made7et Elsom.Week 1
Lent Various - Made7et Elsom.Week 1
Ma3refetElarwa7 Leba3daha
PopeShenouda Q&A - Ma3refetElarwa7 Leba3daha
ekteda2 23
Copt4g Book Readings - ekteda2 23
شـــــارى افــنــوتــى
Lent Various - شـــــارى افــنــوتــى
Anba Rafaeel - 14_2_mp3