RTBF La Première

RTBF La Première 96.4 FM Belgio, Bruxelles
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La Première ("The First") is a national French-language radio channel produced by the Belgian public broadcasting organization Radio télévision belge de la communauté française (RTBF). It is a "generalist" station carrying a wide range of principally spoken-word and information-based programming, and is RTBF's main radio news channel. It is broadcast on FM, and digital (DAB and DVB-T), as well as being streamed on the internet.

  • Frequency: 96.4 FM
  • Slogan: Restons curieux
Indirizzo : Boulevard Auguste Reyers 52, 1044 Bruxelles L'entrée principale se situe Rue Colonel Bourg (entrée Diamant).
Email: info@rtbf.be
Telefono: 02 737 21 11
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Premi%C3%A8re_(Belgium)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaPremiereRTBF/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lapremiere?fbclid=