Neo Soul Cafe

Neo Soul Cafe Estados Unidos
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Neo Soul Cafe is about the music, the people and the culture. Neo Soul Cafe is programmed by Frances Jaye an eclectic, music loving deejay. Her passion to give the adult listening audience a format of "music that you really want to hear and not the music you have to hear" led her to create a multimedia movement called "Neo Soul Cafe' an oasis for soul music connoisseurs. She describes it as "the music that gets your head right".

  • Slogan: The Music That Gets Your Head Right
En directo ahora
New Phone, Who Dis?
Cyanca - New Phone, Who Dis?
traveling (feat. Big K.R.I.T.)
Luke James - traveling (feat. Big K.R.I.T.)
Guts feat. Tanya Morgan & Lorine Chia - Score
Wanna Be (Where You Are) feat Carmen Rodgers
Bee Boisseau aka MrBawsaw - Wanna Be (Where You Are) feat Carmen Rodgers
Don't Forget About
Noname - Don't Forget About
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Contactos de la emisora
Dirección : (214) 702-6362