RCV+ Rádio de Cabo Verde Jovem
The Radiotelevisão Caboverdiana is Cape Verde's first radio and television station broadcasting local programs from Cape Verde, Portugal and Brazil as well as the rest of the world especially France. It is a publicly owned company and enterprise and is located in the Capeverdean capital city of Praia, in the southern part in the middle of Achada Santo António RTC also has a few buildings, it also has offices in São Vicente (serving the northwestern part), Sal (serving the northeastern part), São Filipe on Fogo Island (serving the southwestern part) and Assomada in Santa Catarina. The station also broadcasts news, sports, television shows and recently broadcasts football or soccer coverages from Portugal and also from Brazil as well as Latin America but rarely around the world. The first and only youth radion station is known as RCV+, Radio Cabo Verde Jovem which broadcasts from 7 AM until 10 PM.
- Frequency: 95.5 FM
- Slogan: Esta página é da responsabilidade da empresa RTC - Rádio Televisão Cabo-verdiana.
- First Air Date: 1 August 1997
Address : | Rua 13 de Janeiro,1-A Achada Santo António - Praia, Santiago República de Cabo Verde |
Email: | tcvinformacao@rtc.cv |
Phone: | +(238) 260 52 00 |
Wikipedia: | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RTC_(Cape_Verde) |
Facebook: | https://www.facebook.com/rtc.caboverde/ |
Twitter: | https://twitter.com/rtc_caboverde |
Instagram: | https://www.instagram.com/rtc.caboverde/ |
Youtube: | https://www.youtube.com/c/rtccaboverde |
App store: | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/r%C3%A1dio-televis%C3%A3o-de-cabo-verde/id1444548307 |