98.8FM Gospel Radio

98.8FM Gospel Radio Estados Unidos, Los Angeles
3 0

98.8FM is more than a radio station. You hear it in the music, you feel it in the prayers of our staff and pastors and you experience it in the stories you read and hear every day.

No ar
Shekinah Glory - Yes
Life Equals Purpose
Stephen Thomas - Life Equals Purpose
You're Doing It All Again
Todd Dulaney - You're Doing It All Again
Another Blessing
Lee Williams and the Spiritual QC's - Another Blessing
I Made It
Canton Spirituals Ft. Albertina Walker - I Made It
2 comentários
G OBtv Mike
G OBtv Mike
This station has an awesome playlist!
August 6, 2023 at 00:30 am
98.8FM Gospel Radio Power
98.8FM Gospel Radio Power
Loving it
August 12, 2022 at 00:24 am
Endereço : 1800 Vine St Los Angeles, CA 90028
Email: info@98fmradio.com
Telefone: 747-234-9724