Beyond The Beat Generation

Beyond The Beat Generation Нидерланды, Утрехт
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We broadcast 24 hours non-stop through the Internet the music formerly known as: Hippie music, Underground, 60's punk, Flower Power, Mod, Free-Form-Freak-out, Garage music, Psychedelia or Teen Beat, the weirdest, the worst, the most powerful and nastiest ever recorded.During the 60's all teens were obsessed by music, but only a few touched surface, all groups wanted to be, sound like, or look like 'The Beatles', 'The Rolling Stones', 'Pink Floyd', 'The Doors', 'Jefferson Airplane' or 'The Velvet Underground'.

  • Slogan: The Undiscovered Area of 60's Underground
Играет сейчас
Trieulogy (Golgotha, Mirage,  Rain) (Epic 48534) Sacramento, Cal. 1968
KAK - Trieulogy (Golgotha, Mirage, Rain) (Epic 48534) Sacramento, Cal. 1968
Couriers - Couriers
Philadelphia (Live DEMO track4) Boston, Mass. 1968
Ford Theatre - Philadelphia (Live DEMO track4) Boston, Mass. 1968
Left Up To You (Standard 286) Nashville, Tenn. 1968
Paper Menagerie - Left Up To You (Standard 286) Nashville, Tenn. 1968
Advice And Consent (Bell 764) Los Angeles, Cal. 1969
Bonniwell Music Machine - Advice And Consent (Bell 764) Los Angeles, Cal. 1969
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