Playlist CIOT-FM

John Mills - johnshymnhour
Who Moved?
Phil Porter - Who Moved?
Just Another Rainy Day
Advocate - Just Another Rainy Day
Jesus Hold my Hand
Statler Brothers - Jesus Hold my Hand
Ive Got a Feeling
Gold City - Ive Got a Feeling
He Had To Go
Trevor Baker - He Had To Go
Who Touched Me
Torchmen Quartet - Who Touched Me
Meet Me At The Cross
Brian Free and Assurance - Meet Me At The Cross
Since Jesus Passed by
Lynda Randle - Since Jesus Passed by
You Might Forget the Singer
Bill Gaither - You Might Forget the Singer
Patch the Pirate Promo
Ron Hamilton - Patch the Pirate Promo
Wretched Radio - wretchedradiosaturday1
top of hour legal liner
Psa back up file - top of hour legal liner
Fisher Mund - marinerscallwe
Story Teller - storytellerpgm
Tribal Trails - tribaltrailspgm
Let the Bible Speak - ltbsweekend