
RadioDielli Albania, Tirana
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Radio Dielli broadcast online 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Radio Dielli brings you the friendly voices of the community plus a wide range of music, including classical, contemporary, jazz and country. As a community station, They also have programs for ethnic communities (German, Welsh, Irish and Spanish), Aboriginal programs, religious programs, sport, local news and interviews etc. Radio Dielli provides a mix of music, entertainment, local journalistic content and information to enhance Hobart’s cultural landscape.

  • Slogan: Albanian Kosova Shqip Music
  • First Air Date: 2008
Na antenie
Jo moj zemer jo 2013
Arben Gashi - Jo moj zemer jo 2013
Italia 2010
Fatmir Ismaili - Italia 2010
Dashnija i then ligjet 2016
Motrat Mustafa - Dashnija i then ligjet 2016
Zemer 2012
V Mziu - Zemer 2012
E jemja 2016
Vigan Shehu - E jemja 2016
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